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Developer Notes

Export to directory

  • /temp/create-screenshots
    • move to /docs/src/public/theme-library


  • add shortcut / tag to the json files...
  • Team Page
  1. push to codepen / stackblitz
  2. Send Link
    1. json import creator
    2. export cli maybe clipboard
  3. Icon / Logo
    • look at codeforwings repo. outdated but has the icon pack there
  • Append / Clean up other notes. especially about this code
  • Link to other repo
  1. Add tree folder for vitepress...
  • really need consolidate a cheatsheet repo
  1. shadowDom / refactor to it's own repo or something
  • test matrix
  • update browerstack tutorial?
  • add shadowdom. maybe make a checklist using the project / issues

Dev Notes

  • Personally just hope they'll integrate it into the Material Theme Builder...
  • Chrome Ext may follow
    • Open source / free to use
  • Other colors etc.
    • "Extended Colors"
    • Dynamic Colors
  • Puppeteer
    • should add cheatsheet or template for shadow dom...
  • Add workflow / browserify
  • Review modern 'copy to clipboard' best practices / security
  • can technical use headless to just take screenshots...???


  • Minifier

    • for chrome. console.log wont show. just need to print t;
  • beautifier

    • Expand JS for easier reading
  • private project with more notes:

BrowserStack automation puppeteer ci/cd

Xpath Experiments

// Example XPath expression
var xpathExpression = '/html/body/mio-root/mio-theme-builder/theme-builder//main/root-page/custom-base//main/section[1]/article/div[2]/core-colors//section/div[1]/h2';

// Retrieve the first matching element
var element = $x(xpathExpression)[0];



$('body > mio-root > mio-theme-builder > theme-builder')
$('pierce/body > mio-root > mio-theme-builder > theme-builder')
// weird how relay doesnt handle it
document.querySelector("body > mio-root > mio-theme-builder > theme-builder").shadowRoot.querySelector("main")

// "main > header > div.section.header-left > span"
//differene between [[ and [?
// document.querySelectorAll([
  "body > mio-root > mio-theme-builder > theme-builder",
  "main > header > div.section.header-left > span"

ViewPorts for screenshot

  • 16by10 seems to be the best (Devs probably using Macs)
/* should only use it for the screenshots */
const viewPorts = {
  width: 3840, height: 2400, deviceScaleFactor: 2,//higher density, looks odd though

high rez


low rez



ffmpeg -i 'pupp_replay_run_2023-06-22 00-42-51.mkv' -vcodec copy 'pupp_replay_run_2023-06-22 00-42-51.mp4'

Create Screenshots Class


  • Initialize Browser / Puppeteer Viewport
  • Update colors with runPuppeteerWithBrowser at 8k
  • takeScreenshot
  • Swap to dark / light theme
  • takeScreenshot


  • File Structure
  • UI / MD
    • have the filename converter as well...

VitePress notes